Magento 2 Security Best Practices in 2024: Top 15 Practices

Magento 2 security topics play a significant role in the success of every online business. Nowadays, this topic has become even more important due to the huge number of various hacker attacks and sensitive data leaks worldwide. It is the duty of every website manager is to make sure that the key security rules are followed and the website is well-protected. The following article describes the Magento 2 security best practices for protecting your website against cyber threats.

Understanding Magento 2 Security Risks

Magento 2, while a robust eCommerce platform, is not immune to security threats. Understanding common security risks is crucial for protecting your website and customer data. Key risks include Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, where attackers inject malicious code into websites, and SQL Injection, where harmful SQL codes are inserted to access or alter databases. Code Execution attacks, another threat, involve executing arbitrary codes on the Magento server. CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks trick users into executing harmful codes, compromising website security. Additionally, Brute Force Attacks involve guessing login credentials, and Silent Card Capture threats covertly record credit card information used on your website. These risks underscore the need for proactive security measures in Magento 2 to safeguard against potential breaches and protect sensitive customer data.

Magento 2 Security Best Practices

In the ever-evolving landscape of eCommerce, maintaining the security of a Magento 2 store is paramount. Implementing best practices for security not only protects sensitive customer data but also upholds the integrity of your online store. By adhering to these recommended practices, store owners can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches and maintain customer trust in their brand. From regular updates to advanced security measures, these best practices form a robust defense against common cyber threats targeting Magento 2 platforms.

E-commerce platform

When considering an e-commerce business, it’s crucial to choose a platform developed according to the best security practices, where the provider regularly implements security improvements and upgrades. Fortunately, Magento 2 is one of the best platforms which follows high-security standards. It’s available with the important security features such as protection from XSS attacks and CSRF plus possibility to isolate public resources from platform code and many other security configurations are present in the platform. Furthermore, Magento regularly releases new upgrades and security patches to keep the platform updated.

Strong passwords

A simple, but regularly ignored rule. The use of strong passwords (with capital letters, special characters, etc.) is essential, ensuring that each account has a complex and unique password. This can be applied to admin panel, payment applications, hosting access, personal accounts, email etc.

Back-end URL

The admin panel URL should not be something obvious. Its highly suggested to create URLs with more complexity, for example: instead of something simple like
Additionally, it’s recommended to protect admin access by IP addresses whitelist. In that way, the admin panel is accessible only from predefined locations (networks).

Two-factor authorization

No matter how complex a password created, there is always a chance of theft. With two-factor authentication, an additional security layer can be set up that requires a temporary token sent to your personal device/mobile, in addition to a password.

Regular Magento upgrades/security patches & installations

To keep a website protected upgrade the platform regularly and apply all recommended security patches released by Magento. More information about the importance of Magento patches and upgrades is detailed in our previous articles.

Extension upgrades

A major benefit of Magento platform is that the functionality can easily be extended by either developing custom logic or installing 3rd party extensions. Therefore, it’s strongly recommended to keep all extensions up-to-date and apply all new security patches and their updatesfor the security of Magento website. This way, it can be assumed that the extension code will not contain any security vulnerabilities.

Strong protection from hosting

When choosing a hosting provider for your Magento store, it’s necessary to check which security policies your hosting company implements to ensure that the best security standards are also being followed from the hosting side.

MageReport tests

MageReport tests are much loved. Test reports can be quickly and easily run to detect known security issues and vulnerabilities related to the Magento platform. As a result – information can be quickly and effectively communicated to development team to implement fixes.

Captcha on the store

This rule sounds very simple but has become increasingly important for every website. Captcha prevents spam-bot registration on the website as well as protecting accounts from brute-force attacks. Captcha is a part of native Magento 2 functionality and can be easily enabled from the admin panel to create user/login, checkout registration, contact us, forgot password forms.

HTTPS connection

Installation of SSL certificate on a website – this ensures https connection (it’s recommended for all website pages) and therefore encrypted “way” between a web server and a browser. In addition, Google search engines prioritize websites with SSL certificates for better ranking in search results. What’s more important – users of the website with https connection feel safer when placing orders.

Saving of sensitive information on the store

There should not be any extensions that can save unencrypted sensitive data of customers. For example, saving passwords & credit card information in plain text to a database can lead to serious security issues if hackers get access to them.

Security audit

The store can be audited regularly by reviewing access logs, active users, Magento installation directory for correct access permissions, etc. Such audits help detect security vulnerabilities and protect the store before some critical issues arise. Additionally, conducting a Magento Performance Audit ensures that the store is optimized for speed, efficiency, and user experience, identifying potential bottlenecks and areas for improvement to enhance overall performance and responsiveness.

Magento security scan

Magento introduced a security scan tool that helps monitor the real-time security status of your store and add all required improvements as soon as we find out about potential vulnerabilities.

Data back-up

Daily database backups are highly recommended for Magento security. This practice would help restore most recent information in case of some critical issue corrupting website data.

Security for everyone

Last but not least, ensure colleagues within your own organization follow the same security standards because many potential security issues can be hidden in own working environment. More information on this topic is described in our article.

Bonus: Magento Security Checklist

A comprehensive Magento security checklist is essential for safeguarding your eCommerce platform. This includes :

  • Strong Password Policies: Enforce complex passwords for all user accounts to protect against unauthorized access. Regularly update these passwords and discourage password reuse.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Implement Two-Factor Authentication for an additional layer of security, especially for admin accounts.
  • IP Address Restrictions: Restrict admin access to specific IP addresses to prevent unauthorized logins from untrusted locations.
  • Magento Security Scan Tool: Utilize the Magento Security Scan Tool to regularly check for vulnerabilities, unauthorized access, and malware.
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF): Deploy a Web Application Firewall to block common web-based attacks like SQL injection and XSS.
  • Magento reCAPTCHA: Integrate Magento reCAPTCHA on forms to prevent automated spam and fraudulent activities.
  • SSL Certificates: Ensure all data transmission is secured using SSL certificates, protecting sensitive customer information.
  • Regular Backups: Perform regular backups of your Magento site to safeguard against data loss and facilitate quick recovery after a security breach.
  • PCI Compliance: Maintain PCI compliance for secure payment processing, protecting customer payment information.
  • Secure Configuration Settings: Regularly review and update Magento configuration settings for enhanced security.
  • User Permissions: Limit user permissions based on roles to restrict access to sensitive data and operations.
  • Regular Magento Updates: Keep your Magento platform updated to the latest version, including all security patches.
  • Secure Payment Gateway: Use a secure, PCI-compliant Magento payment gateway integration to protect transactional data.
  • Incident Response Plan: Develop a clear plan for responding to security breaches, including communication strategies and recovery actions.
  • Proactive Monitoring: Regularly monitor your Magento site for unusual activities or potential security threats.
  • Regular Security Audits: Conduct periodic Magento security audits to ensure all protective measures are functioning correctly.

We hope that this article will help you stay strong and safe with your Magento security. You’re welcome to share your own recommendation on how to keep your website secured.


  • How often should I update Magento 2 to maintain security?
  • What should I do if my Magento 2 store faces a security incident or breach?
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