Magento certifications and why they matter

Can you imagine visiting a non-certified therapist? Likely, the answer is no. You wouldn’t want to put your life in the hands of a person who hasn’t got a stamp of approval from authority.

The same applies to Magento eCommerce. Before entrusting someone with an access to your store, all the orders, and hard-earned customers, you’d want to ensure you work with a certified expert. 

To assess and recommend or just to tune and fix your eCommerce website, it’s best to work with a Magento 2-certified Solution expert who holds a Magento developer certification. 

Magento 1 End Of Life vs. Migration to Magento 2

As Magento 1 reached its end of life in June 2020, more and more merchants have been exploring options to migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2. The reasons are quite clear: security concerns, non-existent support of Magento 1 modules, and poor user experience that can no longer meet the rising customer expectations. 

Atwix is a reliable Magento 2 migration partner that will move your data, design, and functionality while improving performance and conversion rates. Over the years, we have completed multiple replatforming projects, including Double U Hunting Supply, Coyuchi, LaModula, Final Draft, and PrepperGunShop, among other. 

In this article, you’ll learn why it is important to migrate to Magento 2 now more than ever, how this process goes, and what improvements you can expect.

Choosing a hosting company

The right Magento hosting provided might make or break your store performance. After all, you want to make sure your servers don’t let you down with an unexpected shutdown during a high sales season, especially around holiday seasons.

Magento is a powerful platform that requires just as powerful hosting.

As an expert Magento development agency with 15+ years of expertise, Atwix has witnessed many merchants’ performance issues deeply rooted in server environment. And we’ve helped dozens of businesses successfully solve it by finding, setting, and optimizing the right hosting resources.

Read on to see the list of the best Magento hosting providers and things to factor in while choosing one. 

Data is one of your enterprise’s most valuable assets, and syncing data between systems is a crucial step in Adobe Commerce development

Moving files in and out of a Magento instance can be a real pain-in-the-neck, especially when processing thousands of files within a cloud-based system like Adobe Commerce.

At Atwix, we are quite used to working with Adobe Commerce projects hosted on cloud infrastructure. Therefore, copying files between Adobe Cloud instances is a pretty common task for our teams. On any given day, we might be introducing storefront changes, working with myriad new media files on a pre-production instance, or delivering those sometimes-tricky files to the production environment.

As a certified Gold Adobe Solution Partner, Atwix follows the latest best practices when working with Adobe Commerce Cloud across all projects. In this article, we share tips and tricks for copying files between Adobe Commerce instances efficiently and in accordance with world-class best practices. 

How to Copy Files Between Adobe Cloud Instances

With 15 years in the market, and more than 150,000 online stores running, Magento is a powerhouse in the ecommerce industry. It’s flexible and feature-rich – hence, the top choice among mid-sized and large businesses – all thanks to the thriving community built around it. 

But as it often happens, there’s no rose without a thorn. And in the case of Magento, for many merchants, the thorn is the level of ‌technical expertise required to unlock Magento’s power. Most often, this requires a skilled Magento development team – internal or external. And If you don’t possess the needed development skills within your company,  how then do you choose a professional Magento development team from the vast pool of available talent, and without becoming overwhelmed?

As a certified Magento / Adobe Partner, and a Magento development firm with 15 years of expertise, Atwix is here to shed some light on the issue. Read on to learn what truly matters when choosing a Magento ecommerce agency.

Concerned about your Magento performance? Don’t fret. The easiest yet most overlooked way to turbocharge your website is to optimize images.

The thing is: once you click a website link, the server calls all the website files to load. That’s how you see them on your screen. But often, images constitute a huge part of all files, which is why your store may be sluggish

That is why Magento image optimization is so important for websites. The faster your store is, the more likely your shoppers will complete their orders. Read on to learn how to optimize images in Magento and see the Atwix tried and tested tricks about Magento 2 image optimization.

Most Popular Magento 2 Extensions in 2022

Magento 2 extensions provide additional flexibility to your eCommerce store with the looks and hooks to grow your sales.

These modules built by expert developers (Atwix included) add new capabilities to your online store that might not be available in the default Magento installation. They’re also pre-built and can be rapidly deployed, which will save you from overhead costs and overdue timelines.
Integrating Magento ERP system further enhances the functionality of your online store, streamlining processes, and providing advanced features for efficient management of resources, inventory, and operations.

Read on to find the list of the best Magento 2 extensions that will power up any part of your business.

MMNYC 22 –The Future of Magento Open Source

DISCLAIMER: This blog is my personal reflection on Meet Magento New York 2022 and the Magento Open Source. It doesn’t represent an official point of view of any organization.

Those who tracked happenings of the Magento OS world, saw the MA’s Open Source task force creation a year ago. This was a foundational step bringing together key parties in an open and honest setting. Regular meetings have ensued. Shortly after the task force launched, Mage OS fork/association was founded, due to a slice of the Magento community feeling a better way forward existed to best ensure innovation. 


A fabulous yacht pulled out of NYC’s Chelsea pier, gracefully slicing through the Hudson River’s choppy waters. A crowd was drinking their morning coffee while taking in the inviting view of the Statue of Liberty in the distance. No, this was not a fancy regatta – this was Meet Magento New York 2022 – the first in-person community-driven Magento conference in the US since Covid-19. Naturally, I couldn’t miss the opportunity to reconnect live and in-person with our community.

Introduction to Magento and the MACH world

If you haven’t heard of MACH, allow us to elaborate on what it stands for. By searching the internet, you may find that “MACH number (M or Ma) is a dimensionless quantity in fluid dynamics representing the ratio of flow velocity past a boundary to the local speed of sound.” 

While that MACH is named after Moravian physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach, our MACH is from the Information Technologies world :)