
Magento Extension Development

At Atwix, we’re passionate about pushing the boundaries of what technology can do. As a custom Magento extension development company, recognized early by Magento Inc., we have the expertise and innovative spirit needed to create extensions that not only meet but exceed your eCommerce needs. Ready to take your online store to the next level? Let’s dive in!

Magento Extension Development

Magento Extension Development Services We Offer

We’ve got a range of Magento extension development services tailored to make your store sing (or at least hum very efficiently).

Custom Extension Development

We love making Magento work for you. Our Magento custom extension development enhances your store’s functionality, streamlines operations, and gives you that competitive edge. Whether it’s improving backend efficiency or making the frontend sparkle, our solutions integrate seamlessly with your Magento store.

Seamless Extension Integration Services 

Need to connect your Magento 2 extension with third-party services? We’ve got you covered. From payment gateways and shipping providers to CRM and ERP systems, we ensure smooth, secure integrations that expand your store’s capabilities and streamline your business processes.

Extension Optimization and Enhancement

Already have extensions but need them to perform better? Our Magento extension development services include auditing, optimizing, and enhancing existing extensions to ensure they’re running at their best. Say goodbye to compatibility issues and hello to leveraging the full power of Magento’s latest features.

Magento Marketplace Submission 

Creating a Magento 2 extension is just the start. Making it available to a wider audience through the Magento Marketplace is the next step. We handle everything – from preparing detailed documentation and adhering to Magento coding standards to managing the submission process and addressing any feedback from the Magento Marketplace technical review.

Extension Upgrade and Compatibility Services

Magento’s always evolving, and your extensions should too. We ensure your custom and third-party extensions are compatible with the latest Magento versions, enhancing their functionality and performance.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance 

Our commitment doesn’t end with deployment. We provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your extensions continue to function flawlessly as your business grows and Magento evolves.

Our Magento Extension Development Process

At Atwix, our Magento extension development process is designed to ensure high-quality, scalable, and secure extensions. Here’s how we do it:

Requirement Gathering and Analysis

We start by understanding your business needs and objectives. This in-depth analysis ensures that the final product aligns perfectly with your eCommerce strategy and operational requirements.

Specification and Documentation

Based on the initial analysis, we create detailed specifications and documentation, outlining the extension’s architecture, features, and integration requirements. This keeps the development process streamlined and ensures we meet your expectations.

Design and Development

With specifications in hand, our developers get to work. We adhere to Magento 2 coding standards, ensuring your extension is functional, efficient, and compatible with the Magento ecosystem.

Quality Assurance and Testing

Quality is key. We conduct rigorous testing, including functionality, compatibility, and performance testing, to ensure your extension operates seamlessly within your Magento store.

Magento Marketplace Preparation and Submission

For Marketplace-bound extensions, we ensure they meet Magento’s technical guidelines, prepare necessary documentation, and manage the submission process. We liaise with the Magento Marketplace team to ensure a successful listing.

Deployment, Training, and Ongoing Support

Once developed and tested, the extension is deployed to your store. We provide comprehensive training for your team to leverage the new functionalities. Post-deployment, we offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your extension continues to deliver value.

Why Choose Atwix for Magento 2 Extension Development?

Partnering with Atwix for your Magento 2 extension development services is like having a secret weapon in your eCommerce arsenal. Here’s why:

Innovative Custom Solutions

We specialize in developing custom extensions tailored to your unique business needs. Our solutions integrate seamlessly with your Magento store, enhancing functionality and giving you a competitive edge.

Expert Integration Services

From payment gateways to CRM systems, we ensure smooth integration of third-party services with your Magento store, expanding your capabilities while maintaining security and performance.

Performance Optimization

We audit, optimize, and enhance your existing extensions to ensure they perform optimally, addressing compatibility issues and leveraging the latest Magento features.

Marketplace Expertise

Our experience with the Magento Marketplace ensures your custom extensions meet Magento’s technical standards and are successfully listed, expanding their reach and usability.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

We provide continuous support and maintenance for all extensions we develop, ensuring they remain functional and effective as your business and Magento’s platform evolve.

Magento Certified Developers

Our team of Magento-certified developers adheres to best coding practices and standards, delivering high-quality, scalable, and secure extensions that enhance your store’s functionality and user experience.

As a trusted extension development company, we ensure that every Magento 2 extension we create is tailored to your unique business needs, optimized for performance, and compliant with Magento’s best practices.

Why you might need Magento custom extension development?

Enhanced Administrative Automation:
By developing a custom Magento module, you can streamline and automate various administrative tasks such as order management, shipping, payments, and more. This automation saves time and effort, allowing you to focus on core business operations.

Tailored Storefront Experience:
A custom module enables you to create a unique and personalized layout for your store’s frontend. This custom layout enhances user experience, making it easier for visitors to navigate your store, find products, and make purchases.

Improved Search Engine Visibility:
Unlike default Magento 1 or Magento 2, a custom module gives you better control over important factors like metadata. This enhanced control helps improve your store’s search engine visibility, making it easier for potential customers to discover your products and services.

Seamless Payment Integration:
With Magento Payment Gateway Integration, you can securely capture online payments. By integrating a payment gateway that suits your business needs, you provide a seamless and secure checkout experience for your customers, boosting their trust and confidence in your online store

Enhanced Sales Opportunities: By leveraging the power of custom features, your store can offer improved functionalities, resulting in enhanced sales. These features can include personalized promotions, advanced product recommendations, simplified checkout processes, and more. Such improvements attract and retain customers, ultimately boosting your sales and revenue.

In summary, Magento 2 extension development services offers numerous benefits for your business, including automated administrative tasks, a tailored storefront experience, improved search engine visibility, secure payment integration, and increased sales opportunities. These advantages contribute to a more efficient and successful online business presence.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can custom Magento extensions improve my e-commerce business?

Custom Magento extensions can enhance your store’s functionality, streamline operations, and offer a competitive edge by providing features tailored to your specific business needs.

What is the process of developing a custom Magento extension?

Our Magento extension development services include requirement gathering and analysis, specification and documentation, design and development, quality assurance and testing, and ongoing support and maintenance.

How long does it take to develop and implement a custom Magento extension?

The timeline varies based on the complexity and scope of the extension. Most projects are completed within a few weeks to a few months.

Are custom Magento extensions compatible with all Magento versions?

Yes, our Magento extension developers ensure that custom extensions are compatible with the latest Magento versions and adhere to Magento’s coding standards.

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Contact us

Ready to elevate your eCommerce experience with custom Magento extensions? Contact us today for a personalized quote and take the first step towards enhancing your online store with our Magento extension development services. Let’s make magic happen!

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