
Adobe’s eCommerce platform, Magento, is one of the most popular if not most powerful solutions on the market. There are many reasons this platform is unique in its ability to scale B2B and B2C organizations without sacrificing or degrading performance or security.

Extensibility, for example.

Magento allows you to augment native system functionality with preset modules available at the Magento Marketplace or via approved 3rd party vendor websites. When using standard Magento with server-side rendering (Luma-based theme or similar approach), there is no need for additional development (beyond basic configuration).

26 reasons to update Magento

It is common knowledge, that you need to keep your Magento 2 up to date for both security and performance reasons. However, a lot of merchants find it hard to go through the sequence and even update related products besides other possible issues. This blog post is not about how to update Magento. It is about highlighting key features, that were introduced in Magento starting from 2.3.0. So if you are still considering whether you need to upgrade your store, let’s explore what will come with that upgrade.

Exploratory Testing for beginners in Magento

Quality Assurance is a crucial part of any development process before deployment. It is important to be able to find new types of bugs, which are often quite unpredictable; it’s better to prevent the issue than to solve it. Better preventing the issue than solving it. For that, there is a great tool – Exploratory Testing.

What is Exploratory Testing? Why do I need it and how will Exploratory Testing help me? This article will answer these questions no matter what your role is – QA Engineer, Developer, Designer, or Business Analyst.

Magento 2 with Docker for Windows and WSL 2

Before COVID-19 cut the possibility of public gatherings, we had plenty of offline hackathons or contribution days in the Magento community world. An essential part of a working toolkit at such events is, obviously, a laptop (there were gurus that wrote the code even on tablets but that’s a different story). At every table, alongside ten developers with serious expressions, you would typically find at least seven MacBooks and three other devices running Ubuntu. If you’re lucky, you might encounter a developer who uses a Windows-based laptop as their workstation, but this is a rare exception.

The growing unpopularity of Windows-based laptops among web-developers in the past has its roots. There was a period when Windows could not provide a toolkit powerful enough for productive web application development. Many developers, who made the switch from Windows to OSX or Linux, never looked back. But during the last few years, the situation with the Windows platform has changed dramatically. Microsoft took the direction of improving the development tools they own (VS Code, WSL) and acquiring new ones (GitHub). We would like to share our recent experience in building Magento 2 local development environment using Docker and WSL 2.

Tales of the Magneto Adobe Stock Integration. Part II.

In the previous chapter, we talked about work on the Magento Adobe Stock Integration (ASI) project and how these kinds of volunteer activities are critical to the continued growth of developer’s expertise. As a result of engagement in such projects, developers not only get to improve their Magento skills, but the whole ecosystem also benefits from the accelerated roadmap delivery.

Adobe Stock Integration Part 1

The final days of June 2019 were unusually hot in Ukraine. The weather that year decided to follow all possible summer standards: sunny days, very high temperatures, and a lack of precipitation. Thus, it was pleasant to sit near the AC on the train during my ride from Kyiv to Kharkiv. In Kharkiv, I took part in the Magento Meetup. These kinds of events are essential in providing a unique opportunity to share knowledge with the community, improve your skills, and to strengthen friendships.

Magento Cloud - Pro vs Starter

Magento Commerce Cloud is the ideal combination of a hosting platform together with the right Magento Commerce features for building a website. We already highlighted reasons to choose Magento Commerce Cloud solution – a perfect choice for merchants who wish to simplify eCommerce website maintenance and, at the same time, acquire a stable platform for developing and growing business.

Magento offers two variations depending on business needs – Magento Commerce Cloud: Starter and Pro-Plan. Let’s compare these in more detail so you can find the right choice for your company.

The Open Source for Open-Source

The Atwix engineering team spends a lot of time monitoring, engaging, and contributing to Magento Open-Source projects. As CTO, I can tell you this investment is smart business for any Magento shop to stay on top of ALL that is taking place across our eco. However, within our Magento agency, Open-Source is something very personal to all of us. Managers and developers set aside much time and effort to review, share and contribute. Contributing ensues our knowledge and skills stay sharp, and it is great for the greater community to continually move the eCommerce platform forward. To that end, I wanted to share what we have been seeing, and where we have been rolling up our sleeves and participating – recently GraphQL has occupied much of that time and for good reason…

Speed matters in eCommerce. This statement on its own is common knowledge (or should be). However, what may be less known is the need to invest in Magento performance audits and improvements — continually. Think of performance investment not so much as optional, but rather as part of an ongoing merchant’s operating budget needed to maintain optimal user experience (and site owners and all those responsible for managing the site!).