Boosting Your eCommerce ROI

To effectively assess whether your marketing strategy is hitting the mark, it’s crucial to understand how to calculate eCommerce ROI. We’ll provide a detailed look at essential metrics and benchmarks to help you gain this insight.

However, it is not so simple. You may face several challenges trying to maximize ROI:

  • High competition where everyone fights for customer attention
  • The low technical performance of the online store
  • Poorly optimized website
  • High cart abandonment rates, and so on

Atwix knows how to enhance your customer experience and increase your eCommerce ROI. Our team can boost your website loading speed, improve the interface, add more payment options, and implement advanced and interactive features. 

Is your online store lagging in the digital retail race? Then, eCommerce replatforming can be your turbo fuel and pull you to the top.

In fact, you can’t go on without a well-functioning and fast digital store today since 21.2% of total retail sales happen online.For insights on improving your platform’s performance, see our article on 3 Steps to Boost Your eCommerce Platform. Suppose your website crashes with high traffic or doesn’t have all the features to meet your business goals. In that case, it needs replatforming or simply — migrating to a different eCommerce platform with advanced functionality. 

Your site may also need replatforming if you plan to scale your business, but the current solution cannot meet your needs.

How to improve your Magento Performance with a free tool

The pace of life has become much quicker. We move fast. We accomplish much. And we expect website performance to keep up with us. Performance is a key factor in many areas of our lives, and Magento’s performance is no exception. Improving Magento speed & performance is one of the most vital things that we have to focus on.

The speed of a website affects every user experience. From first landing on the site, to searching for various products and services, to selecting and purchasing items. If a website does not deliver results quickly, users will find an alternative to purchase what they need. Read more to learn how to improve your Magento performance with a free tool.Check out our article if you want to improve Magento 2 performance with AWS CloudFront.

We think that JavaScript is a very important part of web developing today. But sometimes we do not think about simple tips that can increase the performance of the JS. In the post we try to overview some common issues of JS and also the simple solution that helps improve the javascript performance of Magento site.

Read also: Improve Magento 2 performance with AWS CloudFront

In modern web development, JavaScript performance is pivotal. High-performance JavaScript is essential for creating fast, responsive, and engaging web applications. As user expectations for seamless and swift interactions grow, optimizing JavaScript becomes crucial in delivering a superior user experience and maintaining a competitive edge in the digital landscape. This focus on JavaScript performance directly impacts user satisfaction, conversion rates, and overall site effectiveness.

Key rules for your Magento 2 security

Magento 2 security topics play a significant role in the success of every online business. Nowadays, this topic has become even more important due to the huge number of various hacker attacks and sensitive data leaks worldwide. It is the duty of every website manager is to make sure that the key security rules are followed and the website is well-protected. The following article describes the Magento 2 security best practices for protecting your website against cyber threats.

Providing omnichannel B2B eCommerce experiences is no longer an option. It’s official: B2B buyers expect a seamless, consistent user experience across as many as ten channels, on average.

And meeting customers’ expectations pays off: 72% of B2B businesses that sell via 7+ channels grow their market shares. In contrast, 80% of buyers will look to switch the supplier if they can’t purchase from any channel.

Proper way of installing Magento extensions

One of the biggest benefits of Magento is that its numerous out-of-the-box features can be easily extended with many more modules, created by Magento community. Although some extensions have an almost plug-and-play installation process, it’s much better to do it under control of a professional. We get requests for third-party Magento extension installation daily, and we accumulated a great experience of how to upgrade your website with new features while keeping it safe and high-performing. While there is no instruction to fit all different cases, here are some things to consider when installing new modules.

Imagine a world where content creators, editors, marketers, and website owners craft their narratives without the hassle of copying, pasting, and navigating complex CMS interfaces. Adobe Edge Delivery Services empower precisely that—a new generation of content authoring and management.

The global B2B eCommerce market is more than five times larger than the B2C market, offering players significant revenue opportunities. Yet, to enter this segment, you need to understand your B2B buyers’ unique requirements. Breaking into B2B eCommerce, prepare for complex procurement processes, shipping constraints, and a greater focus on security and liability. The good news is that the right eCommerce platform for B2B can make your life much easier. 

Establishing a wholesale eCommerce business comes with its challenges and concerns. Wholesalers struggle with limited reach and visibility, supply and demand imbalances, order fulfillment delays, product profitability management, and strained buyer relationships. Choosing a proper B2B wholesale eCommerce platform can help address these challenges and drive business growth.