
Every year we witness new players emerging in the space of eCommerce platforms. More than often, they come out of nowhere and disappear before gaining any significant traction, but sometimes we have a chance to look at very promising candidates from companies with strong reputation in the field. Here’s one of the latter: an eCommerce platform from Oro Inc, the creators of a quite powerful open-source CRM system – OroCRM. Though it’s still in the beta testing stage at this point, we simply couldn’t miss the opportunity to dig into a new product from the company we’ve worked with for years. Meet OroCommerce!

7 Essential Steps for Creating Your eCommerce Business

Last year turned out to be very successful for the eCommerce industry. Both the revenue figures and the growing number of shopping apps confirm that the global eCommerce market is continuing to develop at a rapid pace. Future forecasts are even more positive. In 2016, for instance, global B2C eCommerce sales are expected to reach $1.92 trillion. By 2018, that figure may even be as large as $2.36 trillion.

These days, more businesses than ever are getting into eCommerce. While there are plenty of recommendations for how a new eCommerce business should start their venture, the following are seven essential rules you should keep in mind as you begin setting up your online store.

Remove Entity in OroCRM

OroCRM allows creating custom bundles with different functionality. And working with OroCRM you may notice that bundles without an entity is a rare case. It is not difficult process and you can easily create an entity with different configurations. But what if you want to remove an entity? In our article we share the tips on how to do it correctly.

Data Grids in OroCRM

Grid in OroCRM is a very convenient way to display information about all or few records of an entity. Default OroCRM has a lot of grids for different entities. OroCRM developers provided a useful and easy way to create grids for a custom entity or display some specific information for default entities.

OroCRM Localization

Localization or internationalization process means adapting a software to different languages, regional particularities and technical requirements of a target market. Well-designed software usually does not require code changes and deep engineering knowledges for localization or/and internationalization processes.

Commonly used OroCRM console commands

When we started working with OroCRM we have met problems with differences between Symfony core commands and OroCRM commands. That is why we decided to share this experience and prepared a list with the most common commands for everyday work with OroCRM such as cache clearing, migration, entities.

OroCRM: adding a new CRON job

As you know, the possibility to schedule and execute some operations automatically in the background – it is a very important feature almost for all web applications. It allows to configure the system to check for the new updates, to make some maintenance operations, like logs cleaning, to run the synchronization processes between different systems etc. OroCRM has a built-in CRON daemon that gathers all CRON jobs from all the installed extensions and runs them in a scheduled time. The process of adding a new CRON job is quite easy.