How to add a button to Magento admin containers

From time to time the developers face with the necessity of adding buttons to Magento admin forms or grids. It is not a problem if a button is added to your custom container. So, our article is aimed to show the ways of adding the buttons to already existing third party or core containers, like an order view page or a product grid.

Adding WYSIWYG editor to Magento admin form

If you have ever created CMS pages and blocks in Magento, you should know that there is a useful editor that makes entering the formatted text much easier. In this article, we will attach this WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor to our Magento admin form.

Duplicated product URL keys in Magento Community Edition

Recently, we have noticed an interesting issue in Magento Community Edition and decided to share our findings with our readers. There is no restriction on the product URL key duplicates in the Community Edition, so, multiple products can have the same URL key and the product URL path generation should handle it. This article is about how the URL path generation manages the duplicated URL keys, the issues that appear during that process and how to cope with all these problems.

Removing needless product attribute values

Recently, we have faced with an issue that looked like a default Magento behavior. It turns out that Magento keeps the product attribute value even if the attribute was removed from the current attribute set. This brief article describes the issue’s details and a shell script on how to remove the old unnecessary attribute values from the database.

Scheduled Redis cache clean up

Magento, starting from the CE 1.8 and EE 1.13 versions, has a built-in Cm RedisSession extension. This extension helps Magento to use Redis cache for the backend caching and session storage. We can find much information about Redis installation and configuration of the Magento store to make it working with the cache. Often, it is recommended to flush Redis cache daily to avoid huge cache amount and some caching issues that, usually, occur when some part of the dynamic content was changed. Our article describes a simple extension which will be running daily and flushing the whole Redis cache.

encoded extension

Sometimes we need to debug the extensions created by other developers to fix possible issues or adjust some functionality. Also, it is a well-known situation in Magento when you have to debug and resolve the extensions conflicts.


As you may know, we need to override the Magento observers when we deal with the extension’s conflicts or want to disable (or modify) a part of some extension’s functionality. Usually, there is no difference between the observer’s overriding and overriding of any other regular model. But sometimes we can face with the issues working with the simple override. How should we act then to keep it conventionally? Let’s check the following step by step instruction for Magento observers overriding.

The sales report is one of the main progress indicators in e-commerce. We often create a sales report using the default Magento features – just go to Reports -> Sales -> Orders, and then, fill in the filter form on that page. This way allows us to get full information about sales on the web store.