In our previous article we have discussed how to add tabs to the product page. After Magento 1.9 has been released people started asking how to handle the product page tabs since the previous method caused different troubles. The reason is in the modern RWD theme, which goes out of the box with Magento 1.9. It uses slightly different method for adding tabs than in the previous versions. So, let’s review how you can easily add own tabs on the product page for RWD-based themes in Magento CE 1.9.
As everyone who uses Magento knows, in most cases after each order, the customer receives an order confirmation email which contains some useful information about an order that has been just placed. However, sometimes, it would be great to provide some additional information alongside with an order confirmation – such as payment information. There are some ways in Magento for extending emails with custom info, but often they require a lot of time and deep technical knowledges. Let’s leave these ways for people who has an extra time and review the simple and fast way how to add an invoice information to the order confirmation email.
In the previous article we have described how the different settings can be applied to a custom extension. There’s nothing difficult for the simple settings such as text field or text area. But, if you look at the drop down, multiselect or editable items list you’ll notice that these items have additional fields, e.g. source_model, backend_model, frontend_model. Let’s focus on these models and find out more info about creating settings that require data models.
From time to time Magento developers face with a need to add settings for their extensions. As it’s hard to remember all necessary details for each setting, so we would like to share our snippets which contain xml code of the most recent settings used in Magento admin.
Ability to create pages with custom content is a great feature provided by Magento. You can easily create a new page for your store and add text, html, images, different widgets there. But sometimes people want to have something non-trivial on their pages. Usually it means that you need to operate some knowledge before you’ll get an appropriate result. In this article we would like to suggest you a simple solution on how to place a products list, prefiltered by some specific attribute, on your CMS page. The example below describes how to create a simple extension for this purpose.
In previous articles we told you how to operate with columns in adminhtml grids. Usually the process is quite fast, for example, if you want to add simple column from the database. But sometimes you need to add a column with complex value, processed by renderer. You say: “it’s not a big deal to use renderers…” Right, until you face with sort and filter..
Pretty often we face a task, where we need to add a custom column to the customers/orders grid in Magento admin. The solution is simple and if you google for it, you will get tons of solutions. However, pretty much all of them describe the same way, which isn’t always proper.
In Magento, order numbers are generated starting from 100000001
and up by default. Many companies want to use a custom value so that customers don’t know exactly how many orders have been placed before. Others need a custom value to match other parts of their system. The field increment_id
is present in various entity tables to store this number.