Most likely, at least once you faced the issue when customer session does not work except an account page etc. And usually, it’s not obvious why. Is it a bug? No, actually that is the case when it’s not a bug, it’s kind of feature.
The Magento page cache library contains a simple PHP reverse proxy that enables page content caching. There are two types of distinguished content: private and public.
The “private” content is being served for each user separately and represents the personalized data of a customer. E.g. shopping cart, wishlist, customer addresses, notification messages. This data should not be cached on the server side, and should not be shown to more than one user. The private content is stored on the client’s side by Customer Data JS component (Magento_Customer/js/customer-data.js
). However, this is a topic for another blog post. Today we will focus on the second content type – public content, or rather the cacheable content and its variations in terms of customer grouping.
Sometimes Magento developers face the need to work with Magento caches programmatically. For example, when you develop your custom module, which renders some content on front-end and this content can be managed via Admin Panel. Let’s say it is cached by the Full Page Cache (FPC). In this case you will need to notify the user that one of the cache types is invalidated and should be refreshed in order to have the changes applied. You might even want to refresh the FPC automatically with each modification. Magento 2 allows this to be performed quickly and easily.
As you may know, initially Magento keeps all configuration values in XML files. XML structure allows dividing all configuration values into separate sections, subsections, etc. In that way, every configuration value has its own path in the configuration three (called XPath). We usually work with Magento built-in configuration files, however, there are some situations when we need to have our own configuration file alongside with the standard files.
When we started working with OroCRM we have met problems with differences between Symfony core commands and OroCRM commands. That is why we decided to share this experience and prepared a list with the most common commands for everyday work with OroCRM such as cache clearing, migration, entities.
Magento Enterprise Edition Full Page Cache is a great feature that significantly improves the frontend performance. Nevertheless, it is causing the troubles with the customisations that require the dynamic content output. As you may know, the customer and cart information custom outputs are the first “victims” there, especially, if you migrated your Magento store from Community to Enterprise Edition. Some of the custom solutions, as well as the Mage Store modules, may not be ready for such migration. This brief article will not only show how to avoid a separate block caching in FPC, but also uncover the way how it works.
Do you know how to avoid browser styles and JavaScripts caching during the development process? Especially it will be useful to apply to the mobile devices. Sometimes, we have to recache our website’s look when there was made a significant style change. Our brief article describes an extension that will make those things possible.
Hi guys, as you know, while moving changes to the production server very often we need to flush CSS or JS cache on the client’s side, as without this action clients will see broken design or, in case with JS cache, might get broken functionality. Therefore, we guess it is a good idea to describe how to prevent JS/CSS caching.
I think everyone who is interested in ecommerce development get familiar with Magento earlier or later. It’s a very popular platform, where a lot of modern programming technologies are used. Since Magento is one of the most powerful and flexible shopping cart engines, it requires a deep level of expertise to develop extensions or even do some basic changes. So we’ve decided to share our tips for Magento Developers in this article. [Continue to Part 2]