There is no arguing the importance and effectiveness of a well structured and planned out blog on your site and WordPress is one of the easiest and most robust blog tools in the industry. So, how do you get this wonderful tool to work with your Magento store and help your Magento SEO?
Unable to log in to a Magento store’s backend? Don’t remember your admin password? Are you a Magento developer and want a quick and easy way to add an admin account to a client’s Magento store? If so, this article is for you.
Adding a new item to the navigation menu is fairly simple.
We will add this ability to a custom module. There is no need to modify core Magento files or templates and layouts.
Magento is a relatively intelligent system. It implements an Event/Observer pattern for end users to hook into. You can catch different events and process them with your logic after. For example, if you want to perform an action after a user was logged in, you can use customer_login event, for an action implementation after the event.
Here I will outline the easiest process to move your Magento store to a different server/hosting. To perform the move, you should have access to the store files and database.
Most commonly, a dropdown box with Yes / No options is used in Magento’s backend to designate an option with a boolean value. This is most likely done due to the complexity of using checkboxes; however it is still possible.
AJAX is a great technology that is used to improve user experience and avoid page reloads, but how can you use it in your own Magento modules? Let’s explore…
1) You should either create a controller, for example: Namespace/YourModule/controllers/AjaxController.php or create a new action in an existing controller
Many developers are wondering how to customize Magento behavior once an order has been placed. In particular, sometimes a company would like to change the order status to “Pending” and send an invoice to the customer automatically after completing the Magento one page checkout. The following article offers a simple solution for this.
Getting all options of a specific attribute in Magento is fairly easy:
$attribute = Mage::getModel('eav/config')->getAttribute('catalog_product', 'color'); foreach ($attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions(true) as $option) { echo $option['value'] . ' ' . $option['label'] . "\n"; }
Magento is a complex system and without proper tools, development for the system can get complex, especially for beginners. In this article, we will examine some of most useful Magento development tools and extensions.