Meet Magento Poland 2012. Our Experience.
Slava Kravchuk Avatar

Last weekend was highlighted by a first Meet Magento event in Poland and four of our Atwix team ninjas were sent there. Here is our report from the field…

The event was organised by a Polish Magento Solutions Partner Snowdog and was held in Warsaw Marriott hotel. First day, both business and technology oriented, was opened by an energetic speech from Kathleen Claes, who did an overview of what Magento is today and what is going to happen. Her talk was then followed by a number of specific presentations, both in Polish and English languages (agenda is here). Atwix CEO Viacheslav Kravchuk has performed a presentation on Migration to Magento that day. Highlight of the evening was a fantastic After Party held in a 40th floor Panorama Bar of the Marriott hotel and an invitation from Kuba to continue celebration in one of the Warsaw night clubs.

Atwix Team on Photo from Meet Magento Poland 2012

Second day, which was technically oriented, started with a bit of delay due to general hangover, had all of the presentations in English and developers had a nice chance to learn various technical aspects of Magento. The conference was closed at the afternoon by awarding a Magento Certification Voucher to the Atwix team, as a winner of Magento Modules Contest that sadly had no competition. Two more vouchers were awarded to the conference attendees that have answered basic questions on Magento Development topic. There was also a nice opportunity to take the Certification Exam immediately after the conference with a 50% discount, which 10 developers took advantage of.

Conference Room on Photo Meetmagento Poland 2021

So overall, we have really enjoyed the conference and our time in Warsaw. We can highlight the professionally performed online video translation as well as synchronous translation to English of Polish presentations. We hope that Meet Magento events in other countries will adopt the innovations by Snowdog team and we will see synchronous translation on the next Meet Magento events in Germany, Netherlands and other countries. Thanks to Kuba Zwoliński and Marta Molińska for this great chance to meet Magento Community.

And thanks to all of the attendees. See you next time, somewhere in the Magento Universe.