Redirects is a widely used approach not only in Magento but in most of other web applications. Saying “redirect” we usually mean a rule or a set of rules for sending user from one URL to another. Using Magento 1 you can easily handle redirects by writing just one line of the code, but in Magento 2, because of its new architecture based on Dependency injection, the process of building a redirect is a bit more complex. Let’s review a new redirect creation by building a simple extension that redirects user from a category page to a product view page if there’s only one product in this category.

Greeting! It’s time to share our knowledge on how to create custom router, as many of us use the standard router. You should know that Magento has four types of the routers: admin, standard, cms and default – they are loading in the order we’ve described. But, have you ever faced with such configuration?