
Sometimes Magento developers face the need to work with Magento caches programmatically. For example, when you develop your custom module, which renders some content on front-end and this content can be managed via Admin Panel. Let’s say it is cached by the Full Page Cache (FPC). In this case you will need to notify the user that one of the cache types is invalidated and should be refreshed in order to have the changes applied. You might even want to refresh the FPC automatically with each modification. Magento 2 allows this to be performed quickly and easily.

Magento 2 request flow overview

It’s interesting to know how Magento 2 works “under the hood” not only for developers but for all the people, who work with the platform. Not everyone has a possibility to dig in the code deeply enough in order to check the details. In this post we will put Magento 2 request flow in layman’s terms.

Greeting! It’s time to share our knowledge on how to create custom router, as many of us use the standard router. You should know that Magento has four types of the routers: admin, standard, cms and default – they are loading in the order we’ve described. But, have you ever faced with such configuration?