Magento Commerce Cloud

We work closely with merchants from various industries around the world. When it comes to choosing a hosting platform, it turns out they have much in common. Namely, the need to carefully think through business requirements and customer experiences as they select the right hosting solution.

Overview of Magento Commerce and Open Source 2.3.5 release

General availability for Magento 2.3.5 was on April 28. This release introduced new security and performance improvements. Like any patch release, if you want to improve your Magento performance, it’s recommended that you update to the latest version of the Magento application at your earliest convenience to apply not only functional enhancements but, most importantly, all the recent security fixes. To help you plan and budget software updates, let’s first clarify types of Magento code releases. 

PhpStorm value for Magento community

Working on the same technology, on the same project, on the same code – year over year – will inevitably make a developer strong, knowledgeable and something of a subject matter expert.  Howeverbeing hyper-focused for such extended periods introduces various risks to both the developer and the project, such as potential loss of interest or, worse, burnout.
That’s when PhpStorm Magento 2 plugin came to the stage.

E-commerce and COVID-19

Empty city streets, padlocks set firmly over metal bars. Covered windows at shops and cafes that were until very recently buzzing with patrons just a couple of weeks ago. Now they’re all deserted. No, this is not a zombie apocalypse movie scene…it is a dark moment in time but it is also our new reality…at least for the next couple of weeks if not months.

Think you are hiding your Magento 2 store back-end URL?

As you may know, Magento recommends using a unique, custom Admin URL instead of the default “admin” or a common term such as “back-end”. Although it will not directly protect your site from a determined bad actor intending to steal your data, but it can reduce exposure to scripts that try to gain unauthorized access. Even though there is a custom URL set up for Admin, this does not necessarily mean that it will remain unexposed to someone, especially to attackers.

Atwix MageNews - April 2019

Welcome to the April edition of the Atwix MageNews! We’ve prepared a roundup of the most exciting news that happened in Magento Community over the last month.
PageBuilder and Magento 2.3.1 releases, code quality tools, security updates and much more. You’ll find it all below, so let’s get started!

Is it worth covering Magento 2 code by automated tests?

The implementation of automated tests has always been an interesting topic for many store owners and managers. We receive many questions every day like: should we invest money for tests in addition to development? How will it help an online business? Which tests are better and why? Therefore, we aim to shed some light on the most popular and useful types of tests and highlight the key reasons for their importance.