Choose your perfect Event in Magento 2

Magento event system is one of the most powerful and commonly used techniques for extending the standard back-end logic. What’s more, choosing the right event for a custom logic interpretation is an essential part of development.

Even though event systems in Magento 1 and Magento 2 share similarities, developers will find it useful to understand how the Magento 2 event system operates specifically. Read on to see a list of the framework-level events that help understand which event will be perfect to monitor and track in Magento 2.

Magento 2 request flow overview

It’s interesting to know how Magento 2 works “under the hood” not only for developers but for all the people, who work with the platform. Not everyone has a possibility to dig in the code deeply enough in order to check the details. In this post we will put Magento 2 request flow in layman’s terms.